Cresterea parcului de autocamioane TIR
You choose which companies to finance, how much to invest and for how long. Estimated annual returns in excess of 12% with a diversified portfolio. Exit anytime you want.
Create accountChoose to grow financially with Fagura through online loans
Choose to grow financially with Fagura through online loans
Cresterea parcului de autocamioane TIR
dorim sa incepem vanzarea pieselor de la depozit . avem contracte cu furnizori noi a stocurilor de piese care o sa ne dea o profitabilitate de 30 %
dorim sa crestem veniturile companiei pentru aceasta avem nevoie de mai multa marfa
Completarea stocurilor de marfă
Working hours: Monday - Friday: 9.00 - 18.00
Credit applications can be submitted online 24/7
Investing in crowdfunding projects involves risks, including the risk of partial or total loss of the invested funds. Your investment is not covered by deposit guarantee schemes established in accordance with the Directive 2014/49/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council. Also, your investment is not covered by investor compensation schemes established in accordance with the Directive 97/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. Your investment may not generate any income. This is not a savings product and we advise you not to invest more than 10% of your net capital in crowdfunding projects. You may not be able to sell your investments when you want to. If you are able to sell them, you may still make a loss.
Your investment may not generate any income. This is not a savings product and we advise you not to invest more than 10% of your net capital in crowdfunding projects. You may not be able to sell the investment instruments when you want to. If you are able to sell them, you may still make a loss.