Cresterea parcului de autocamioane TIR
Get funding directly from investors, fast and hassle-free. Get rid of bureaucracy and trips to the bank. You sign digitally and borrow online with a fixed interest rate.
Create accountWe will prioritize funding for SMEs and startups aiming to digitize their businesses, promote the green economy, and invest in business development. The funding for the first 50 companies, which will benefit from interest-free loans, is made possible through the project “Accelerating Digital Transformation in the Public Sector of the Republic of Moldova,” funded by UNDP Moldova. After the “50 Zero-Interest Loans” campaign concludes, we will continue to finance SMEs at fair rates, quickly, and 100% online.
*Bear in mind some important general info: The minimum term for granting a loan on Fagura is 12 months, and the maximum term is 48 months. If you have a good credit history, the minimum Annual Percentage Rate (APR) will be around 6.5%, in the case of a bad credit history - the maximum Annual Percentage Rate (APR) will be 38.9%. To make it easier for you in understanding the figures, please find below an example:
Example calculation: Let's say you have a good credit history and you need to borrow €1000. If your request is aproved, you will get €1000 and will have to return back a total of €1071.24, which includes the interest. You will have to return the funds during 12 months, by paying €89.27 monthly. Your annual interest will be 12.9% (APR). But that's an example. To find out your exact quote, you will need first to complete a loan application.
Choose to grow financially with Fagura through online loans
Investors can lend small amounts to several Romanian SMEs. The interest paid by the borrowers goes back to them as profit. Fagura manages the connection between entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesses and investors who want to increase their income by supporting Romanian companies. At Fagura, we emphasise the potential of each company, irrespective of its age.
In short: you can take the loan fastfast, without paperwork or going anywhere, directly from people who believe in your business plan and want to grow financially with you.
Cresterea parcului de autocamioane TIR
dorim sa incepem vanzarea pieselor de la depozit . avem contracte cu furnizori noi a stocurilor de piese care o sa ne dea o profitabilitate de 30 %
În cadrul acestui proiect, ne propunem să achiziționăm soft adițional pentru a automatiza procesele interne și anume, implementarea unei sisteme CRM - evidența comenzilor și clienților. Începerea dezvoltării unui APP personal, care să includă achizițiile online, constructor și ușurarea procesului de navigare pentru clienți. De asemenea, o parte din bani, vor merge pentru o campanie de marketing online. O altă sumă ne propunem să o cheltuim pentru producerea unui stoc de mărfuri, pentru vânzare.
Completarea stocurilor de marfă
Choose to grow financially with Fagura through online loans
Cresterea parcului de autocamioane TIR
dorim sa incepem vanzarea pieselor de la depozit . avem contracte cu furnizori noi a stocurilor de piese care o sa ne dea o profitabilitate de 30 %
În cadrul acestui proiect, ne propunem să achiziționăm soft adițional pentru a automatiza procesele interne și anume, implementarea unei sisteme CRM - evidența comenzilor și clienților. Începerea dezvoltării unui APP personal, care să includă achizițiile online, constructor și ușurarea procesului de navigare pentru clienți. De asemenea, o parte din bani, vor merge pentru o campanie de marketing online. O altă sumă ne propunem să o cheltuim pentru producerea unui stoc de mărfuri, pentru vânzare.
Completarea stocurilor de marfă
Working hours: Monday - Friday: 9.00 - 18.00
Credit applications can be submitted online 24/7