Welcome to our community: borrow easily, invest smartly!

Seeking Funds or Pursuing Profits? Let’s thrive financially together. Join the Fagura Community!

Create account
Under 15 minutes to apply
Loans up to 20k euros
Profits between 10% and 20%
8.5 million euros

Intermediated investments

1.4 million euro

Interest paid to investors

2150+ loans

funded since Fagura’s launch


The minimum interest rate for borrowers

Fagura aims to empower upcoming generations to drive financial prosperity. We are building the first digital community bank in Eastern Europe for millennials and their successors, enabling them to invest, borrow, make payments, and transfer funds instantly. Join the Fagura community today!
Learn more about Fagura

How it works

Investors lend directly to companies that are looking for fast loans or refinancing online. An investor funds multiple companies to reduce his risk.

Investors receive monthly payments from borrowing companies, consisting of the loan principal and the interest. These funds can be reinvested or withdrawn from the investor account. The choice is yours!

On Fagura, investors and borrowers support each other’s financial growth. Algorithms assess loan applications objectively, analyse credit histories, calculate interest rates, and assign risk scores.

Fagura assigns the payments received to each of the investors. In case of outstanding payments, we employ loan recovery procedures at the highest market standard.

Business SRL
Business development loan

Entrepreneurs seeking business financing can easily apply for a loan online on Fagura. If approved, multiple investors on the platform will fund the loan.

Companies pay their instalments on a monthly basis according to the payment schedule attached to the loan contract. The advantage: they build a positive credit history.



dorim sa incepem vanzarea pieselor de la depozit . avem contracte cu furnizori noi a stocurilor de piese care o sa ne dea o profitabilitate de 30 %



În cadrul acestui proiect dorim să dăm start procesului de import, prin care vom oferi clienților un catalog mai variat de produse și vom optimiza costul de produs.



С помощью финансирования мы сможем усилить и ускорить 3 новых направления для развития компании: 1. Реклама на рынок Румынии в сезон Нового года и Мэрцишора(это самый загруженный период в году и всегда отличные выручки) готовы расширяться. В этом году зашли в Румынский онлайн магазин Emag и он показал спрос на сувенирную продукцию, в этот раз хотим получить корпоративные заказы с логотипом на игрушки на елку итд. 2. Закупка материалов перед сезоном, чтобы подготовиться заранее 3. Участие в выставке в США по сувенирам, которая направлена на поиск B2B клиентов. На одной такой выставке в Лас Вегасе в сентябре 2024 года компания уже участвовала и нашла ряд потенциальных клиентов для развития. По ссылке выставка, в которой мы участвовали https://lvsouvenirshow.com/.



Suntem o echipa relativ tanara, si dinamica. Oferim servicii de reparatie si intretinere a automobilelor, o piata in continua schimbare atat ca constructie cat si tehnologii. Piata automobilelor este una dintre cele mai dinamice, iar pregatirea personalului si utilajul fac diferenta in piata.

Interested to find out more? See all
Credit history
Credit period
12 luni
12 months
48 months
Monthly repayment
434.71 €
Total savings
1244.84 €
Annual interest rate:
7.90 %
You pay
5216.53 €

*Bear in mind some important general info: The minimum term for granting a loan on Fagura is 12 months, and the maximum term is 48 months. If you have a good credit history, the minimum Annual Percentage Rate (APR) will be around 6.5%, in the case of a bad credit history - the maximum Annual Percentage Rate (APR) will be 38.9%. To make it easier for you in understanding the figures, please find below an example:
Example calculation: Let's say you have a good credit history and you need to borrow €1000. If your request is aproved, you will get €1000 and will have to return back a total of €1071.24, which includes the interest. You will have to return the funds during 12 months, by paying €89.27 monthly. Your annual interest will be 12.9% (APR). But that's an example. To find out your exact quote, you will need first to complete a loan application.


Choose to grow financially with Fagura through online loans

Apply online while having your coffee
Everything is digitally native, even the signature. Borrow or refinance online. Invest easily and quickly, wherever you are.
Get the answer in a day
You receive the response to your online SME loan application within 24 hours. Everything is digitized and efficient.
Get your business known
Your loan pitch makes your brand known to all the community members on Fagura. This way, you can even find new customers.
Grow financially by helping others
When you invest, you also support Romanian businesses that are striving for expansion or are just embarking on their journey. This contributes to the growth of both the economy and your profit.

User reviews

The trust and satisfaction in the Fagura community has earned us a 4.7 out of 5 rating on Trustpilot
  • Real profit. Good and quick feedback. A pleasant experience in investments.
    Dorin Baltag
  • It's a great opportunity for investing. An easy app, user-friendly, nice experience.
    Viorel Gamurar
  • I knew at each step where I am and how much time is needed to finish the application.
    Grigore M
  • There are ups and downs still but overall it is a great product. Highly recommend it!

Make the investments from your smartphone

Easily access and manage your investment portfolio, manually or automated. Take advantage of the Secondary Market, just a click away.

Fagura Apps

Are you new to the world of investing?

Don't worry, we're here to help. We're happy to answer any related questions you might have.


Secondary Market 2.0 – vânzarea fracționată și cum vedem totul în portofoliul de investitor

Secondary Market 2.0 – vânzarea fracționată și cum vedem totul în portofoliul de investitor

3 pași cum să îmbunătățești istoricul de credit

3 pași cum să îmbunătățești istoricul de credit

Cum depui cererea de finanțare pentru un împrumut IMM pe Fagura.com

Cum depui cererea de finanțare pentru un împrumut IMM pe Fagura.com

Partners and contributors

We partner with the best in the industry and collaborate with top donors
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Sponsors and contributors
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BERD logo
EFSE logo

Fagura in the Media

Fagura Contact Support

We are here to help you

Working hours: Monday - Friday: 9.00 - 18.00
Credit applications can be submitted online 24/7

Investing in crowdfunding projects involves risks, including the risk of partial or total loss of the invested funds. Your investment is not covered by deposit guarantee schemes established in accordance with the Directive 2014/49/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council. Also, your investment is not covered by investor compensation schemes established in accordance with the Directive 97/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. Your investment may not generate any income. This is not a savings product and we advise you not to invest more than 10% of your net capital in crowdfunding projects. You may not be able to sell your investments when you want to. If you are able to sell them, you may still make a loss.

Your investment may not generate any income. This is not a savings product and we advise you not to invest more than 10% of your net capital in crowdfunding projects. You may not be able to sell the investment instruments when you want to. If you are able to sell them, you may still make a loss.